Ying to the Yang

Published in
2 min readApr 23, 2021


Abundance of knowledge in programming languages, having intense training and practice to ace the codings and be an ardent worker can be few of the most important skills to possess, no denying that. Nevertheless, other soft skills prove to be critical in placing you in the right path towards development, especially Full stack development. Let’s dive into the three most important non-technical skills that you can possess.

Source: Google

1. Problem-solving:

As predictable as it may sound, being a problem solver at the peak hours and pressure moments defines your skills as a full stack developer. It helps if you can easily spot the errors and make the necessary changes. This helps the programs and coding to happen faster than anticipated and that way, adds more leverage for being the head and leading the team.

2. Patience:

It might sound a bit lame, but being patient can be the one of the most important skills. We know how long codings can take and to be patient through the process and talking to clients and teammates can be very exhausting. Yet, to pull it all together and stand still is going to take a lot of time and obviously, patience.

3. Communication skills:

You have to be very articulate to make the client understand what you are planning and to clearly understand what they want. This way, we could reduce as many errors in working on the project as possible as we would be starting it with a clear and concise mind. This way, both you and the client will reap the best outcomes.

These are pretty much the skills one can eventually possess and nurture upon as it will help the team as well! Now let’s hone them, shall we?

